Warrenton Residents Association

The official site of the Warrenton Residents Association, Alpharetta, GA

Warrenton Website and Communications

30 July 2022

Hi All

I have exciting news to share!

Warrenton newcomer, Daniel Gruesso, graciously volunteered to help us with our neighborhood communications. Not only has he built a great website for us, he also is shepherding our efforts to get connected the way we once were…before Yahoo Groups went away.

Daniel suggested, and I agree b/c I already use it for my work, a free application called Slack.

By now, you likely have received Daniel’s invitation to join the Warrenton Residents Slack group. I urge you to do so. Using Slack will give you instant access to any and all Warrenton residents in the group. And, our group Slack channel ultimately will become the Board’s principal means of communicating with you all.

So, please take a moment to access Slack from your browser or install the mobile app on your phone or desktop computer. Either option works.

BTW, if you are having difficulty and need tech support with Slack, you can contact Daniel via email.

Many thanks to Daniel for offering his time and talents to us all. I know you’ll enjoy having quick and easy access to neighbors. What’s more, the website he’s made is just terrific! See for yourself warrentonra.com

Daniel will continue to add to the site, so any and all content suggestions and feedback are welcome!!! (Please email or Slack both Daniel and me.)

For the most part, the website will be public. However, certain functions/files will be kept private. For example, if you wanted to download the Warrenton directory, you’d only have access if your email address was listed in the directory. The same holds true if you wanted to download meeting minutes.

Not only does our new website carry announcements (such as this one), it also gives you the ability to reserve a tennis/pickle ball court or start the process for scheduling a pool party. You also can download an ACC SCR form, or pull copies of our governing documents.

We intend to continue developing the website moving forward. But, this is a great start! Many thanks, Daniel!!!
